Rock the Universe at Universal Orlando Resort

Rock the Universe! 

I was invited to attend Rock the Universe at Universal Orlando Resort on January 27 and 28. I went once in the past but it was several years ago. I thought instead of writing a review, I’d just share a bit about what Rock the Universe is all about.

Stephen Stanley

Rock the Universe is an annual special ticketed event that takes place at Universal Orlando Resort. The park is closed to the general public. (It’s similar to Night of Joy that used to be held at Walt Disney World.) There are concerts on three different stages, all of them contemporary Christian artists. The concerts are staggered so that you can attend at least part of most of them, if you don’t mind standing in the back. We were able to see at least one song from each artist.

Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit

Most of the rides are open during Rock the Universe. That said, don’t expect to walk on. Wait Times are not short, in fact, I think that the waits were longer than on a typical afternoon. At one point we walked into Diagon Alley and turned around and walked back out. I don’t think I’ve seen it that crowded since the summer that the land opened. There were two Express Pass Access addons for an additional price for those who didn’t want to wait in lines.

Anne Wilson 

The concerts were packed as well. Rock the Universe is not an event where there’s a small number of tickets sold. Part of the reason why I’ve only been once before is because the crowd is that bad.

Wait Time for TRANSFORMERS: The Ride-3D (as I write this it’s 25 minutes) 

Speaking of the crowd, a large part of it is kids from church youth groups. Many of the kids were rude. I saw more running, pushing, and general disrespect in two nights than I’ve seen combined in the past year at any theme park.

Dante Bowe

All of this aside, we still had a great time. Instead of trying to get in the middle of the crowd we would find spots on the side. We could then watch the shows without being surrounded.

It was cool both evenings and they sold a lot of these sweatshirts!

There was merchandise for sale, both for the musical acts and the general event. There were also autograph opportunities with the artists. Times were posted near the main stage.

Next year!

If you’re a fan of Christian music and don’t mind the crowds, Rock the Universe could be for you! With artists like Bethel Music and Zach Williams (this year), you will see some of the top names. In 2023 the event ran from 6:00 until 1:00, but your ticket got you in at 4:00. There were nine musical acts plus a DJ each evening. In 2024, Rock the Universe will take place on January 26 and 27. You can buy a ticket for one or both nights, and there’s an option for a Sunday ticket as well. If you’re curious or a Christian music fan, check it out!