Credibility (Again)

Nope, they’re not interchangeable

I was watching the news on an Orlando TV station this morning and something bothered me to no end. The story was about Walt Disney World, but the video showed Disneyland. Sleeping Beauty Castle was prominently featured, as well as the Matterhorn. In the second half of the story they finally showed Cinderella Castle, but by then the story had lost all credibility in my mind.

I’ve said it before, where you get your information makes a difference! There is a large anti-Disney movement out there, including websites that will add anything that they can to make Disney look bad. These are usually just to get clicks, many don’t care about Disney one way or another. If you read the story and then share it, you’re buying into what they want.

Then there are the sites and stories that just don’t know what they’re talking about. The news story this morning was a good example of that. Someone who helped to put it together didn’t check the facts to ensure that they added the right video. I wouldn’t be surprised if that happened elsewhere, but in Orlando adding the wrong park is the fastest way to lose credibility.

There are also sites that go in the opposite direction. The people who run these think that Disney can do no wrong. They will excuse everything, just because they love Disney so much. In my mind, that’s a credibility problem as well.

I like to think that I lean towards a happy site here at Disney Over 50, but I will sometimes mention things that aren’t perfect. I’m not a fan of Disney Park Pass Reservations, I hate to wait until 2:00 to Park Hop, and I can’t believe that the Disney Dining Plan has not yet returned. I also love all the new rides and lands, and I think that Spaceship Earth after dark is one of the most beautiful things to see in Florida. My love for Walt Disney World and Disney in general is enough to make me overlook most of the bad.

When I post something as news here, I always try to add a link to the source. If I can’t (such as with some press releases), I try to tell you where it came from. I want you to know that the information here is credible; even if it is sometimes covered with Pixie Dust.