Some Other Central Florida Fourth of July Weekend Fireworks

Fireworks at the Fountain, courtesy the City of Orlando

I’ve already shared with you information on Fourth of July weekend fireworks at Walt Disney World and other area theme parks. If those options don’t interest you, there are other shows in Central Florida. These are not the only options, but they are three of the biggest.

If you don’t want to travel too far from Walt Disney World, consider nearby Sunset Walk. It’s just about ten minutes from Disney’s Animal Kingdom. Star-Spangled 4 Day Celebration will take place July 1-4. Entertainment starts each evening at 6:00. The fireworks will wrap everything up on July 4 at 9:30. Admission and parking are free, but parking isn’t always easy at Sunset Walk.

July 3 will see one of the most popular fireworks shows in the Orlando area. It’s called Red Hot & Boom, and it’s held at Cranes Roost in Altamonte Springs. That’s about half an hour from Walt Disney World if there’s no traffic, but expect traffic. Red Hot & Boom is the name of the celebration, which runs from 4:00 until 11:00. There’s live music, and admission is free. The actual fireworks show will take place at 9:30. Red Hot & Boom is extremely popular, so arrive early and give yourself plenty of extra time for when you leave. Then double the amount of time that you thought it would take.

The official Fourth of July fireworks show for the City of Orlando is called Fireworks at the Fountain. It’s held at Lake Eola Park. This is also about 30 minutes from Walt Disney World if there’s no traffic. There will be traffic. The event runs from 4:00 until 10:00, with the fireworks at 9:15. It’s a great show, with the Orlando Concert Band performing patriotic music as the sky lights up. Fireworks at the Fountain is free to attend. Parking is street parking or parking garages, so note where you leave your car! Also, some streets will be closed, which your GPS won’t recognize. You don’t have to be in Orlando or even Florida to see Fireworks at the Fountain. Local television station WKMG will livestream the event on its website.

No matter how you celebrate the Fourth of July, please do so responsibly. And remember not only your pets, but your neighbor’s pets. The Fourth of July fireworks can be terrifying to the members of our families who don’t understand what is going on. Consider watching a professional Fourth of July fireworks display instead of setting them off in your neighborhood.