My Favorite Holiday Offering at Disney’s Hollywood Studios

I LOVE Sunset Seasons Greetings!

I love Walt Disney World during the holidays. It’s my favorite time of year. While there is magic around every corner, each park has something that truly tugs at my heart. I thought it would be fun to share these with you over the next few days.

At Disney’s Hollywood Studios, my favorite without a doubt is Sunset Seasons Greetings. The projections are so much fun! There is something special about seeing a ride that has the word “terror” in its name wrapped up like a Christmas present. There are several scenes for the projections on the Hollywood Tower Hotel, and I don’t think that there is one that I like more than any of the others. I could (and have) watch for several rotations.

Even though the projections are the main part of Sunset Seasons Greetings, there is more to it than that. There is snoap, which falls on Sunset Boulevard. There are also lasers, and when they hit the snoap they create some pretty amazing color patterns. There is of course Christmas music, and there are Muppets. What more could you want?

I will admit that I was sad when I learned that the Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights was ending, but in a weird way I prefer this. The last couple of years of the Osborne Lights I found myself going less and less. I would go early in the season, excited, but the fun wore off quickly. It had nothing to do with the lights, it was more the other people who were there. I don’t think that I’ve ever been pushed or stepped on as much as I was on the Streets of America when the lights were shining. I have never experienced that during Sunset Seasons Greetings.

I am not going to compare the Osborne Lights to Sunset Seasons Greetings. They are two different things, and they really should not be compared. I am just glad that there is a great nighttime holiday offering at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Sunset Seasons Greetings gets better every year. I hope that it won’t take too long before people consider this a classic. I already do.