Personal Fans

Misting fans are sold in the parks

Even people who live here in Florida will complain about the heat. It can be unbearable at any time of the year! I’ve talked about cooling towels, umbrellas, and other ways to try to beat the heat. Now I’d like to mention another accessory, personal fans.

One popular type of personal fan is a misting fan. The fan is at the top, and there’s a water container at the bottom. Squeeze the trigger and you can end up with a cool mist on your face. Misting fans are sold in several places at Walt Disney World, often in a giant tub of ice water so that the water in the fan’s container will be cold. They currently run for about $22. You can buy them in other places for less and bring them with you.

Misting fans can be nice, or they can be a pain. Double check that the water part isn’t leaking! They can also be a bit heavy, especially if a small child is tired of carrying it. If you use a misting fan, be aware of those around you. Not everyone wants to be hit by a wet breeze.

Neck fans can be a great choice. There are two main types that I’ve seen. One goes around your neck and has two fans to blow air into your face from two sides. The other has one fan, and it has a strap that goes around your neck. I have the single fan with the strap. I like that better because I can easily move it around and change where the air goes.

Recently, I bought a couple of rechargeable neck fans from Amazon and I had high hopes for them. The fans have three different speeds, and a monitor that says what percentage of power is left. Sadly, my rechargeable fans aren’t ideal for a day in the theme parks. When my daughter and I tried them out the battery lasted only about three hours. It did say on the product description three to seven hours, I hoped that since they were brand new that they would last on the higher end.

I also have a couple of neck fans that need batteries. Those have been much better than the rechargeable fans. The batteries have lasted, and when I use them I’ll just bring a couple of extra batteries, just in case.

Another personal fan that you’ll see at Walt Disney World clips onto a stroller to keep the littlest ones cool. These are a great idea, but be careful. I’ve heard too many stories about them being stolen off of strollers when the family rides.

Portable fans will not blow cold air, they will just circulate it for you. Still, having one can make a difference. The heat at Walt Disney World can be brutal, and a small fan can help to make you a bit more comfortable.