Looking Back on The World’s Most Magical Celebration

Minnie in her 50th Anniversary costume

Remember when we started hearing plans for Walt Disney World’s 50th Anniversary? Called The World’s Most Magical Celebration, it was to last for 18 months! The seemed like such a long time. We blinked, and those months have passed.

I’ve heard a lot of people say that The World’s Most Magical Celebration was a failure. There were missteps, but I don’t think that failure would describe it. Overall, I did enjoy Walt Disney World’s 50th Anniversary.

The biggest missteps were the two fireworks shows. I didn’t hate Disney Enchantment, but I wasn’t a huge fan either. Harmonious was a different story. I wish people had given it an honest chance, instead of comparing it to IllumiNations. Since neither show caught on with guests, they didn’t survive.

Another problem that Walt Disney World had with The World’s Most Magical Celebration was staffing. Just like many businesses, Disney has had a problem filling some positions. We’re still missing trams at two of the theme parks, only one Water Park is open, and theme park hours are shorter. Walt Disney World can’t offer services if they don’t have the people to fill those jobs.

I also don’t think that the shakeup at the top helped with The World’s Most Magical Celebration. I don’t usually talk much about how The Walt Disney Company is run, but few people saw Bob Iger’s sudden return. A lot of people expected instant theme park changes from Iger, and when they didn’t happen they just complained.

So what was successful with The World’s Most Magical Celebration? The extras, for one. I love the Fab 50 Collection. I don’t think I’ve entered any of the theme parks in the past 18 months and didn’t snap at least one picture! They’re great backdrops for selfies, and they make wonderful pictures on their own. It’s a fun collection. I also like all the other decorations. They were tasteful and not overdone.

I’m going to miss Mickey’s Celebration Cavalcade at the Magic Kingdom. I especially liked watching after the Main Street, U.S.A. Train Station reopened. It looks like Disney Adventure Cavalcade will stick around, at least for a little while.

The World’s Most Magical Celebration featured all kinds of special merchandise! Some of it was must-have for many. There were also foods for the celebration.

Ultimately, the reason why I enjoyed The World’s Most Magical Celebration was because I decided that I wanted to. The past couple of years have been harder than the rest of my life before it. Walt Disney World is such an escape for my family and me that we moved to Florida! There probably would have been a bigger celebration without the pandemic, but that’s okay. I’m learning each day that I can be the magic if I want to be. Happy 51 and a half years, Walt Disney World. Thank you for a magical celebration.