Flash Ticket Sale

This deal is hot!

If you’re headed to Walt Disney World or Disneyland soon and have not yet bought your tickets, I have good news. Undercover Tourist is having a sale! You’ll have to act fast, because the current deals are only for October 31 and November 1.

Disney Over 50 is not associated with Undercover Tourist in any way. I am not getting paid to share this information. I just know that it is a reputable site and that they offer deals all the time. I have recommended them to friends who have saved over a hundred dollars over the prices at the Walt Disney World gate.

Undercover Tourist is not selling used tickets, and there is no timeshare tour required. They are an official ticket reseller, which means that they sell tickets with Disney’s approval. The way that I understand it, they buy tickets in bulk and then “resell” them. That’s why you can sometimes get tickets at the old price when there is a price increase.

The flash sale includes Walt Disney World, Disneyland, and Universal Orlando Resort. There are also deals for other theme parks on both coasts. You could find a good price on your hotel and car rental. Look around the site, and then compare the price to buying tickets directly from the theme parks. You might save a lot, or it may be just a few dollars. Remember, every little bit of savings makes a difference!