The Phone Lines

Calling has been crazy!

The last thing that some people want to do these days is to call Walt Disney World. The Wait Times have been crazy lately! I’ve heard stories of people being on hold for hours. The solution isn’t as easy as “Disney should fix this”.

A good part of the problem is the worker shortage. Disney does not have enough Cast Members to cover all of the shifts! It isn’t just that Disney needs to hire more people. They are actively hiring, and offering generous hiring bonuses. It takes time to train new Cast Members, and the new ones are often replacing those who are quitting. It’s a field with a high turnover rate.

Why is the turnover so high? A good part of it is because of the rudeness of many of the guests who call. It’s easier to be a jerk to someone when their face isn’t visible. While it wasn’t for Disney, I did work for a call center for a little while. I had people swear at me, call me names, and put me down so much that I ended the shift in tears. The things that they were upset about had nothing to do with the job that I was doing. There were some good experiences too, but the bad far outweighed the good. It costs nothing to be kind, but too many people didn’t care.

There are sometimes ways to avoid the phone lines. Often the answer to a question can be found on the Walt Disney World website. A quick search might save you hours on the phone.

Look for this on the My Disney Experience App

Chat might be another option. To find chat on the Walt Disney World website try the Help Center here. You can also try to chat on the My Disney Experience App. Go to the three lines in the bottom right corner. That will take you to a new menu, and Chat is one of the options. Chat may not always be available, but it doesn’t hurt to try.

If your question or issue doesn’t need an immediate response, try email. That link is also found on the Help Center page. I have never emailed through that link and not received a reply.

Another option for someone who is local is to just head to Guest Relations at Walt Disney World. There are windows outside of the theme park entrances, so you don’t need a ticket or Disney Park Pass Reservation. There is also a Guest Relations building at Disney Springs.

If you do need to call, make sure your phone is fully charged. If you have a backup phone you might want to use that. Try first thing in the morning. Dial before the phone lines open, and keep hitting redial until you’re connected. You might get lucky and be one of the first calls of the day.

And thank you for being kind. A harsh word can ruin someone’s day, but a kind word can turn it around. A simple thank you, even if the problem wasn’t resolved the way that you wanted, could mean the world to someone.