Sometimes I like to talk about the various extras that you can purchase at Walt Disney World, and whether or not they are a good idea if you are trying to save money. Today, the extra seems like a no-brainer to leave off. Still, I want to tell you why it does not make good financial sense.
I am talking about Preferred Parking. It might sound like it would be heaven after a long day. Instead of taking the tram you can walk to your car and leave immediately. Personally, I don’t think that Preferred Parking is worth the cost.
Regular parking at the theme parks is $25 per car, which will take a bite out of your budget to begin with. Preferred parking is $45 to $50 per car, depending on the season. That’s more than a bite, that amount hurts! If you’re an Annual Passholder or you’re staying at a Walt Disney World Resort, regular parking is included. You can upgrade to Preferred, but that extra amount will add up quickly.
I do not see any real advantage to Preferred Parking, at least not an advantage that will be worth the cost. If you’re worried about the time, skip the tram and walk to your car. I know that’s a few extra steps, but that can help you to work off that Mickey Bar. The only parking lot that you might not want to walk to is the Transportation & Ticket Center (Magic Kingdom parking), because those lots can be a bit confusing.
If money is no object, then Preferred Parking might be something that you want to splurge on. Then again, if money is no object, skip the parking and hire a limo. You can then travel in style, and someone else can navigate the sometimes confusing, often-changing roads that take you around Walt Disney World.