The Tram and the Magic Kingdom

The old tram station 

Now that the tram situation has finally improved at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, it seems like it’s the Magic Kingdom’s turn to make people walk. Well, maybe not the Magic Kingdom per say, since the tram is at the Transportation & Ticket Center.

The new temporary tram station 

This hike is a little bit easier than the one that they just fixed at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. The tram will still pick you up, but instead of taking you all the way to the Transportation & Ticket Center, it will drop you off before the bridge that the tram normally drives under. It’s not that much of an extra walk.

There are plenty of signs 

If you are not used to the parking lots at the Magic Kingdom and the T&TC, I’d still recommend taking the tram. Parking in those lots when you aren’t used to them can be confusing. I got lost while walking in one of the far lots a few months back, and I’ve lived here for years! If you have any questions, there are plenty of Cast Members around to help you navigate your way.