Kevin, the brightly colored, rare bird from Disney•Pixar’s Up!, can now be found at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. The 13 foot tall fowl is kind of hard to miss. She (Kevin is female if you haven’t seen the movie) can be found around Discovery Island.

If you’re looking for Kevin, don’t look in your Times Guide or the My Disney Experience App for a location, because you won’t find her there. Instead, she’s just walking around. We saw her by the Tree of Life, then she walked down by the shops that you’ll encounter right after you enter the park. She then headed to the right of the Tree of Life (as you’re facing it) and went over to where the Hakuna Matata Time Dance Party takes place. She then interacted a bit with those at the party, before heading backstage.

Kevin is just the latest addition from Up! to hit the Disney’s Animal Kingdom. Kids of all ages can become Wilderness Explorers and learn more about the park. You can see more birds, as well as Russell and Dug in UP! A Great Bird Adventure. Russell and Dug also greet guests near the entrance to It’s Tough to be a Bug!.

Instead of being a traditional meet and greet, Kevin is more of a wandering character. She is easy to find, look for the “flock” of kids that tend to surround her. Just ignore it if one of the children screams “It’s Big Bird!” like I heard when I saw Kevin. Big Bird is a totally different species, and he and his friends will be relocating to SeaWorld Orlando later this year.