Details Released About the Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Cantina

Picture courtesy Disney Parks Blog 

Disney Parks Blog has released some details for the cantina that will be found in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. It is going to be called Oga’s Cantina. It will be run by Oga Garra, no more details were given about the proprietor. We’re promised that we won’t know “when a stormtrooper or a familiar face will show up”. What that means is anyone’s guess, but nothing up until now points to the eatery being a character meal.

We are also told that there will be “famous concoctions created with exotic ingredients using ‘otherworldly’ methods, served in unique vessels”. In other words, if you’re looking for pizza, head to PizzeRizzo. This will be a whole new taste experience. There will be both alcoholic and non-alcoholic specialty drinks.

Also promised is the return of RX-24, or Rex. He was the pilot in the original Star Tours ride. Currently you can find him in the queue for Star Tours – The Adventures Continue. You’ll see Rex when you turn the first corner inside, he’s the droid marked as “defective”. In Oga’s Cantina, Rex will be the DJ.

The more I hear about Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, the more excited I become. Keep checking here at Disney Over 50, because whenever I learn new details I will share them with you.