The Next Week

We’re finally heading back!

Tomorrow my daughter and I are finally headed to Disneyland! We have had to reschedule this trip several times, usually because our flights were canceled, but the final time it because a friend was going to be in town and we didn’t want to miss her.

After the last time our flight was canceled we decided to move our trip to December. We have never visited Disneyland during the holidays. We love Walt Disney World at this time of year, and can’t wait to see the West Coast counterpart.

I’ll be adding pictures to both Facebook and Instagram, so if you don’t follow me on either one of those take a moment to do it now.

We have three full Disneyland days planned, which will be next week. We hope to hit some other fun places as well while we’re gone.

I might write something from time to time, but this is a much needed vacation. I plan to add some older, but relevant, links to Facebook so that you guys don’t forget about me.

Thanks for all your support, I truly appreciate it. I look forward to sharing this journey with you.