Heat Advisories

Don’t let the decorations fool you!

Don’t let the Halloween decorations fool you, it is still very much summer here in Central Florida! There are heat advisories for the next few days, and we could see the hottest temperatures of 2023 so far.

I know that it’s summer in Florida, and that people expect it to be hot. But this isn’t just normal Florida summer heat. Even the daily storms aren’t cooling things down. It’s just turning the outdoors into a sauna.

I’ve said it dozens of times and will say it dozens more, if you’re at Walt Disney World you need to stay hydrated. Don’t wait until you feel thirsty, just keep drinking water all day long. You can ask for free cups of water in any restaurant or kiosk that serves fountain drinks.

Plan a break for the middle of the day when it will be hottest. Make a dining reservation, or head back to your hotel for a nap or a swim. You might miss a few rides, but it’s better than missing them because you’re sick!

Another thing that I say all the time; sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen! You need sunscreen in Florida all year long and no matter what the weather is like, but it’s especially important with extreme heat. A sunburn right now isn’t only uncomfortable, it can be dangerous.

Finally, listen to your body. Know your limits. If you follow Disney Over 50 because of the “over 50” part, remember that there are things that you might not be able to handle as well as you used to. If you’re traveling with children, keep them cool. They might not communicate how they’re feeling because they’re so excited about being at Walt Disney World. Cooling towels and personal fans can help, but don’t rely solely on them. A cooling towel will only do so much! You know when something feels off, so listen to your body. And have fun, even in the heat! Realize ahead of time that you won’t be able to do it all, and concentrate on enjoying what you can comfortably do.