Last year, in time for Walt Disney World’s 50th Anniversary, a new song was released. It’s called You Are the Magic. It’s featured on Disney Enchantment, and it’s the theme of The World’s Most Magical Celebration. Remember when I said that there are some things about Walt Disney World that I don’t like? I instantly hated this song.
My problem with You Are the Magic is personal. The first half of 2021 was the hardest few months of my life, filled with more loss and heartache than I’ve experienced the rest of my years combined. As I was trying to find a way to cope, I heard a cutesy little song, telling me that if I wanted the magic, it was up to me. I didn’t want to be the magic, I wanted the magic to return to my life without my having to do anything about it. I wanted it to find me. The past couple of years have been hard on all of us, and I know that I’m not the only one who has felt this way.
Yesterday I was at the Magic Kingdom, and my opinion changed a bit. I did some people watching. At first it was kind of sad, I saw couples arguing, kids getting yelled at, and a woman being sworn at by the man who she was with. I didn’t see a lot of magic; until I did.
The first family that changed my point of view was there for Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party. The mom and two daughters were all dressed up as Tiana, and they were beautiful! The costumes were spot on, and they had the perfect attitude to pull it off. It was a warm day, but they seemed to be having a great time in those full costumes.
The second heartwarming thing that I saw was a woman and her quadriplegic husband. They were in line for PhotoPass, and the wife lovingly made sure that her husband was ready for the pictures. These two looked at each other with so much love that it made me believe in happily ever after. The photographer was fantastic, making sure that there were plenty of unique pictures. I’ll never know their story, but just seeing them for a few moments while I was waiting in line warmed my heart.
People say all the time right now that the magic is gone. The parks are crowded, the hours are too short, and things cost more than ever. But just like any day, it is what we make of it. I think that’s what You Are the Magic is all about. Just by looking around for the good yesterday, I found it almost immediately.
I still don’t like the song You Are the Magic. It’s a little too saccharine sweet for me. I think it’s like cotton candy, it fills the space but doesn’t have any real substance. But that’s okay. We don’t have to like everything to find a little extra magic. One thing that I can change is my attitude, which was an important reminder yesterday. There’s been a lot of loss, but there have also been blessings. It’s magical to be able to concentrate on those.