It’s been over four years since I came up with the Disney Over 50 idea, and I’ve worked hard to make it a safe place on the Internet for Disney fans of all ages. There has been a lot of growth lately, which is a good thing! Sadly, there is some bad with the good, and I think it’s time I lay down a few ground rules.
Please, don’t post links to other Disney fan sites on the Disney Over 50 Facebook page. The way that things are set up I can turn off comments on Instagram, but Facebook doesn’t have that feature. If it’s an official Disney site that’s one thing, but don’t post something from another non-Disney-owned site. There are some sites out there that are trying to get page views with sensational headlines, and I only want to provide solid information. I had to turn comments off on the actual DisneyOver50.com site because of people adding links. If there is something that you want to add a link for, please send me a message and let me decide.
Politics are not allowed in the comments either. I don’t care which side you are on and if I agree with everything you say. I know that Disney is involved with political issues, but you can talk about that on other sites and Facebook pages. Disney Over 50 came into being to help people who are not young families with 2.2 children plan their Disney vacations. If you add something political, you will be blocked.
Please don’t add comments on Facebook about what Walt Disney would have wanted. Unless you were a close personal friend, you don’t know. We all have ideas of what Walt would have wanted, but none of us know for sure. If it’s a positive comment such as “Walt wanted things to always change and improve” that’s fine, but you know exactly the type of comment that I will not allow.
Another action that is not allowed is making fun of Cast Members. I recently blocked someone for a comment about the princesses that was totally uncalled for. Cast Members are the heart of Disney, and they are working under conditions that no one ever expected. I have friends who are Cast Members and they are putting up with more than you would know right now. Please, respect them for all their hard work, even if you encounter one or two who are less than magical. We are all going through something right now, you don’t know their hidden pain.
Speaking of respect, please continue to respect the other members of the Disney Over 50 community. This is something that has not been a problem, and I know that you will keep it that way. If you are disrespected, please send me a message to let me know. This includes if someone comments with some version of, “I really like your profile and I think you’re pretty so please send me a friend request”. This is not a fake dating/scam page. If someone gives you a problem or says something inappropriate, let me know.
Finally, I created Disney Over 50 because I love Disney. I assume that if you’re reading this that you do as well. I want the Facebook page to be a happy place, not a place to complain. Disney is expensive, we know that. There’s no reason to say something about the cost when commenting. Thank you that there haven’t been any “Walt is rolling over in his grave” comments. From what I know of the man, I think that there are a lot of things that Walt would be proud of. I prefer to focus on the good. And there are ways to save, that’s why I started my Sunday Savings Series.
I’ve seen a lot of hate in the general Disney community lately. Fortunately, I haven’t seen much of it on Disney Over 50. I am grateful for that. I appreciate that everyone here is as positive about Disney as I am. Even with recent changes, it isn’t Disney that’s ruining the magic, it’s the guests. There is still plenty of magic to be found, but it begins with the right attitude.
Thank you for being part of this incredible group of Disney fans.