The Recent Updates on the My Disney Experience App

The new home screen 

If you have checked the My Disney Experience App in the past couple of days, you may have noticed a change. The map and the Wait Times are gone! You can still find them, just search “Wait Times”. Still, it was a bit jarring to see.

I don’t know why they made the changes, but I think that it was a good idea. Having the Wait Times and the Park Hours immediately there gave people false hope. It was easy to see posted hours, which made people assume that the parks would be open again by that date. A rumor recently circulated that the parks were going to open on May 10, because there were hours posted on the app. I’ve said it before, just because there are hours posted does not mean that it’s the “shoot for” date. The hours for May 10-16 are now gone, but there are hours for May 17. No, the parks will not be open on May 17. I expect those hours to be gone in a few days.

The My Disney Experience App now has the various activities listed immediately when you sign on. That makes them easier to find, and I think it also makes us more likely to do them.

I have no doubts that the My Disney Experience App (and the Disneyland App, that changed as well) will soon return to normal. Until then, enjoy the new activities at your fingertips. If you’re looking for something specific, use the search feature. All of the information is still there, it’s just not found on the home screen at the moment.