As you very well know, we’re just a few days from Christmas. That means that Walt Disney World is about to be inundated with people who want to make their season extra special. They’ve been saying on the news that this Christmas season is expected to be the busiest ever in Central Florida. People are on vacation from work and school, so why not spend it in the most magical place on Earth?
If you are headed to Walt Disney World over the next few days, I have a favor to ask of you. Please be extra nice to the Cast Members while you are here. I’ve said it a million times and I will say it a million more. These wonderful people are giving up part or all of their holiday to make yours special. Let them know that you appreciate it.
I remember my first Christmas away from my family. Even though I would see them a couple of weeks later, I was miserable. Many Cast Members will be experiencing that for the first time this year. If you’re here, you have the power to bring some holiday cheer into their lives.
Walt Disney World would not function without Cast Members. Yes, there are some who will sometimes seem like they would rather be anywhere else (and on Christmas Day, they probably would be). Most, though, are awesome people who do what they do because they love making magic for people. If you come across a Cast Member who goes above and beyond, leave a compliment for that person at Guest Relations. Disney takes compliments seriously, and you could make someone’s Christmas away from home a little more special.
Of course, you don’t have to be at Walt Disney World to bestow a little bit of magic. Wherever you are, take a moment to be nice to someone. A smile or a quick hello could make a huge difference to a hurting person. The suicide rate goes up every year around the holidays. A small act of kindness could change someone’s outlook, without you ever knowing that you made a difference.
So whether you’re packing a few last things for your Christmas trip to Walt Disney World, you’re headed somewhere else to celebrate, or you’re spending the next few days at home, enjoy the season. The words “peace on Earth” are thrown around a lot this time of year. You and I can be part of that peace, just by being nice.