If you’re trying to visit Walt Disney World on a budget, you’re probably looking to save wherever possible. One decision that you will need to make is whether or not you will add Park Hopper to your tickets. There is no right or wrong answer to this, but if you’re looking to save, you might want to hold off.
With Park Hopper you can visit all four theme parks in one day if you want. Without Park Hopper, you can only visit one park that day. Whatever park you visit first that day is the only one that your ticket will work for until the next operating day.
I love Park Hopper. It’s included with my Annual Pass, and I use it all the time. The day we first bought our passes we visited all four theme parks, just because we could. (That was also on Christmas Day. Looking back, it wasn’t one of my brighter ideas.) But the way that I hit the theme parks is not going to be the same as the way that you hit the theme parks, especially if you have never been before.
Park Hopper is currently $55 for a one day ticket, $65 for a two or three day ticket, and $75 for four to ten days. If your family has five people and you’re buying a four day ticket, that’s an additional $375! It’s worth the cost if you’re going to use it, but if you don’t that is two t-shirts and a pair of Mickey ears per person.
Walt Disney World is huge. It takes a while to get from one theme park to another. If you plan to visit one park per day, there’s no real reason to add Park Hopper. I’ve known plenty of people who have paid for it and never used it once. If you’re looking to save money, consider leaving it off. If you change your mind, you can add it to your ticket once you’re here, but you can’t remove the cost if you paid for it and never used it.