I’m writing this the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, but this suggestion is for right before Christmas as well. If you are flying in or out of Orlando, arrive early! It is recommended that you arrive at either Orlando International Airport and the airport in Sanford three hours before your flight.
My family and I flew out of OIA on December 24 last year, and that’s how early we arrived. It was busy, but everyone made it through. The line for TSA was extremely long, and they were not letting people into the line until two hours before their flights. I’m glad that we arrived early, because we made it through without any extra stress.
If you’re flying out of Orlando, your vacation will end with more lines. You’ll wait in line to check your bag and you’ll wait in line to go through security. If you’re buying food, that’s another line to wait in. There are sometimes lines for the restrooms! All these lines will be even longer close to Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Orlando is expected to be the top travel destination in the country this holiday season. The economy is strong, and gas prices have fallen. Remember that you will not be the only one who decided to hit Walt Disney World for the holidays.
One more suggestion if you’re flying over the holidays; be polite. The airports are filled with employees who would rather be spending time with their families, and with other travelers who are exhausted. It won’t hurt you to be nice to others, and it could make someone’s day a little bit better.