My Attempt at Remy’s Ratatouille Hide ‘n’ Squeak Scavenger Hunt

Remy’s Ratatouille Hide ‘n’ Squeak Scavenger Hunt 

The Epcot International Food & Wine Festival is currently upon us, and will continue until November 12. One of the activities this year is Remy’s Ratatouille Hide ‘n’ Squeak Scavenger Hunt. On Saturday, September 8, I decided to give it a try. Here’s what I experienced.

The game costs $6.99 

First a little bit of background. The game costs $6.99, and for that you’ll receive a map and a sheet of stickers. The stickers are pictures of Remy with various food items. You’ll then follow the map and find Remy in each area. He’ll be with one of the sticker items, so you’ll peel off that sticker and place it in the circle on the map. When you’re finished your reward is your choice of a limited edition pin. Simple, right? Not so fast.

The map 

The map takes you through World Showcase and also to a few Global Marketplaces. There are 15 spots all together. I started at Taste Track, which is an easy one. I thought that it would be smooth sailing from there. Was I ever wrong!

Use the stickers to mark which Remys you’ve found 

My next stop was Mexico. I figured that I’d walk clockwise around World Showcase. (Or is it counterclockwise? If you’re left handed like I am, you’ll understand my confusion.) You never realize how big some of these pavilions are until you walk around, looking up the whole time. I explored all of the Mexico Pavilion, and eventually I did find Remy. I was glad to see that there were other confused adults walking around, maps in hand, looking up. This game isn’t just for kids.

This is what you’re looking for 

I kept walking through World Showcase. Some of the countries were easier than others. Some I skipped, planning to go back. After I gave up on Morocco a light rain started, so I stopped for a while and decided to hit Soarin’. I did see a couple of Remys as I walked by, so I snapped quick pictures so that I would be able to remember what items they had.

Tauren Wells at Eat to the Beat 

I didn’t play for the next couple of hours. Tauren Wells was the Eat to the Beat concert performer, and I wanted to see his show. After the concert the rain had moved out, so I decided to continue on my scavenger hunt. I was able to find all of the Remys except for the one in Japan. The sun was starting to go down, making looking for Remy harder. It was also a Saturday evening during the Food & Wine Festival, and Japan was packed with people who were drinking around the world. I’ll admit it, I gave up, but I have every intention of going back and finding that final one.

It’s hard to play once the sun goes down 

Remy’s Ratatouille Hide ‘n’ Squeak Scavenger Hunt is fun, in a “this is supposed to be for kids but I can’t find that stupid rat” type of way. I am determined to find the last one the next time that I head to Epcot. I’ll bring my daughter with me, her vision is better than mine. She’s also more observant than I am. I have yet to get my pin. You don’t have to finish (or start) the map to receive your pin, but I want to actually earn it when I do get it.