Disney Over 50 and Hurricane Milton

From Hurricane Irma in 2017

I want to thank all who have reached out to me recently regarding Hurricane Milton. My family and I live less than three miles (as the hurricane flies) from Walt Disney World, so we’ve been watching everything closely!

We decided to stay put because we are not in an evacuation zone. In fact, there aren’t many vacant hotel rooms in the Orlando area, because this is where people evacuate to. There’s a lot of uncertainty right now, but most everyone I know locally is just hunkering down.

I’ve already been warned by my internet company that we might lose service. That’s happened with past hurricanes. We still had power but internet was gone for a couple of days. If Disney Over 50 disappears for a while, it’s probably because my internet is gone. My mobile hotspot tends to be spotty during storms, and if we lose power I’m going to try to save my cell phone battery for as long as possible. I’ll try to add updates but they may be sporadic.

My family and I are as prepared as we can be. We have plenty of food and water. This includes dog food, can’t forget about Yoda! We have solar lights charged up and ready to go. I’ve charged and recharged anything that I can with a plug. We have gas in our cars, and we’ve brought in the pool furniture. You can never be fully prepared, but we’ve followed all of the suggestions.

Thanks again for all your support. I am convinced that Disney Over 50 is the best Disney community out there! And thanks as well for the thoughts and prayers. The state of Florida needs them right now.