Disney Over 50 has gone through a growth spurt lately, especially on Facebook. I am proud of this site, and I want to thank each and every one of you for your support! When you share, comment on, or like a post, it helps more people to see it. Thank you, I appreciate it more than you know.
I’ve had a few people lately tell me that they would follow the page, but they aren’t over 50. Don’t let that stop you! I never intended for this site to be only for people who are 50 or older. I’ve meant for it to be for any age. After all, Disney is for the young at heart.
One thing that I do try to do is to write from a slightly different perspective. I’m a freelance writer, and I’ve written for several different Disney fan sites. There’s a good chance that you’ve read some of my work elsewhere. With most sites, the main focus is tips for a family vacation. They are geared toward parents in their 30s with 2.2 children. When I started Disney Over 50, I wanted to write it more towards anyone, not just young families. Being over a certain age myself, I figured that was a good place to start.
Let’s face it, there are all different types of groups of people who take Disney vacations. You’ll find people like me, a mother with her adult daughter. (Sometimes my husband will come along, but our daughter is my theme park buddy.) You’ll find adults over 50 who are taking solo vacations. You’ll find groups of friends with no kids in tow. You’ll find grandparents visiting with their grandchildren. When I started the site, it was because I was helping my sister to plan a mega-vacation with her husband, their kids, and their grandkids. She couldn’t find all the information that she was looking for on other sites. I realized at that time that there was a need for a site that approached Disney vacations from a different angle.
One thing that non-Disney people don’t understand is that you don’t have to have children with you to enjoy Disney. I live close to Walt Disney World and go all the time. I’ve made two trips in just the past few months to Disneyland, and I have another one coming up in September. I’ve been on three Disney cruises. I haven’t had kids with me for any of these. And I’ll keep going.
I’m not saying that Disney Over 50 is for people without children either. I want everyone to find something helpful here, whether you’re visiting with just your spouse or you’re the lone adult with five kids in tow. This site is for all groups and situations.
If you’re hung up on the number “50” in the site’s name, think of it this way. Walt Disney World is celebrating its 50th anniversary. That means that it’s Disney Over 50!
To all who are new to this site, welcome. If you’ve been around for a while, thank you. If you haven’t already, please take a moment to like the Disney Over 50 Facebook and Instagram pages. This is a labor of love for me, and it is my hope that you enjoy it as well.