Too Young for Disney?

Grogu has the perfect stroller… 

An argument that I hear all the time is what is the right age to first take a child to Walt Disney World or Disneyland. Many people claim that the child won’t remember it, and that having a child in tow will slow the parents down. The flip side of the coin is that the parents will make memories and take plenty of pictures. It doesn’t matter if the child won’t remember it, the parents will.

If you’re thinking about taking a small child to Walt Disney World, try him or her out on a few all-day small outings first. (A local amusement park would be ideal!) Some children travel well and don’t care if there is a break from their normal routines. Other padawans don’t do well outside of their comfort zones. Take your clues from the child. If the child in question doesn’t mind change, book that Disney vacation!

One thing that you’ll have to prepare yourself for is the opinion of others. There will be plenty of people who will tell you that you should wait until the child is older, and that you’re wasting your money. Don’t listen to them, and do what is best for your family.

Remember that you will not be able to do it all if you have a very little one with you, even with Rider Switch. The child will be in an unfamiliar environment, so don’t be worried if there are some cranky moments. Also, prepare for the Florida heat and humidity, and keep the child comfortable. The right stroller is essential.

I don’t think that there is a “too young” age for Disney. You know the child in question best. If you want to go, don’t listen to others. Take plenty of pictures so that you can recreate those moments a few years later. And have a great time, making memories that you’ll have for a lifetime.