My Announcement

Designed by Brittany Jernigan

Four years ago, on March 7, 2018, I officially introduced Disney Over 50 to the world, or maybe it’s the other way around. I had been writing about Disney for other sites for years, and I saw a gap in information for those who were not part of the young-family-with-2.2-children crowd. I was inspired by my sister, who was planning a huge family vacation with her kids and grandkids, but also celebrating a milestone anniversary with her husband. March 7 was also the day that my wonderful mother was born, and I picked that date for her.

There have been a lot of changes since I started the site, and especially over the past two years. Some of those changes have been good, others heartbreaking. With all the changes, I thought that it was also time to change the Disney Over 50 logo!

The new logo was designed by the incredibly talented Brittany Jernigan. I have known Brittany for most of her life, since she and my daughter have been best friends since first grade. (How many of us can say that we’re still as close to our grade school bestie as we were back then?) Brittany is so special to my family, I could not love her more if she was my own daughter. Since she does graphic design and photography, in addition to her fulltime animal-related job, there was no one else who I would consider asking.

When I started Disney Over 50 four years ago, I had no idea what to expect. It has since grown beyond my wildest dreams. I have over 10,000 likes on Facebook, which seemed impossible not that long ago! It’s such a good group of people as well. It’s nice to see a Disney page where people aren’t arguing over stupid, unimportant things all the time.

With Disney Over 50, I strive to share solid information with you that I think could benefit some of the readers. I’ll also sometimes add my own thoughts and opinions, because, after all, it is a personal blog. I try hard to not be sensational. Most of what I write does have a positive spin on it because I’m a big Disney fan! You don’t buy a house less than five miles from Walt Disney World if you don’t love Disney.

So my new logo is my announcement. I hope you like it as much as I do! Brittany made several versions but I’m starting with this one. She used blue for the lettering at the bottom, because blue was my mom’s favorite color.