Traditional marathons and shorter races are few and far between right now. It just isn’t safe for that many people to gather in one spot. Because of this, many traditional races have gone virtual. RunDisney had started holding some virtual races before the pandemic, but they have really “taken off” (pun intended) in the past year.
The latest runDisney virtual event is called Celebrating The Lion King! There are three different 5K (3.1 miles) races that you can choose from. They are The Timeless Classic, The Broadway Phenomenon, and The Reimagined Classic. Each 5K costs $40, not including a service fee. If you’d like to try all three, sign up for the runDisney Virtual Challenge. That costs $145.
With each race you will receive a Commemorative Finishers Medal, a downloadable bib, and a downloadable Finisher Certificate. If you complete the Virtual Challenge, you will also receive a fourth medal, plus a runDisney Virtual Series Keepsake.
Virtual races are nice because you are in control. For this series you will be able to complete your races between June 1 and August 31. You pick the course and the time. If you want to walk through your neighborhood, go ahead. A local track or walking trail would work as well. If you would prefer to run on your treadmill in the AC, go for it! No proof is required that you completed the race, but there’s a sense of “pride” (a lion pun this time) when you know that you did it.
Registration for The Celebrating The Lion King Virtual Series begins at 10:00 am Eastern on April 8. If you’ve never signed up for a race, this sounds like it would be a good place to start. What is nice about a 5K is that it is not an overwhelming distance. If you sign up, I encourage you to actually participate instead of doing it just for the medals. You can walk if running isn’t your thing. There is a great sense of accomplishment when you’ve finished your first event, even if your time isn’t fast. I started participating in races over a decade ago, and it has helped me to get in the best shape of my life. Completing in this virtual series could change your life for the better as well. You can learn more information about the Celebrating The Lion King Virtual Series and sign up here.