Disneyland Gives Back

We still don’t know when the Disneyland theme parks will reopen 

The Disneyland theme parks remain closed, but that doesn’t mean that there is nothing going on. Over 300 families, including 600 babies and toddlers, recently received help with the assistance of VoluntEARS. Below is the post from Disney Parks Blog, or you can read it from the source here. Make sure you watch the video, it will warm your heart.

Disneyland Resort Helps Get Essential Items to Those in Need With the Help of Local Nonprofits

by Kyleigh Johnson, External Communications Manager, Disneyland Resort

Disneyland Resort recently teamed up with local nonprofit organizations to help meet overwhelming needs in the community.

Over 300 families received diapers, wipes and other essential baby items at a recent drive-thru distribution event with Community Action Partnership of Orange County (CAPOC) and MOMS Orange County. With a touch of pixie dust, they also went home with plush toys donated by Disneyland Resort. CAPOC distributed their 5 millionth diaper since March 2020 during the event, which took place on Disneyland Resort property, with the help of 50 Disney VoluntEARS.

“An event like this where a family can drive home with an ample supply of diapers is just huge—it’s such a cost savings and it relieves stress for families with babies,” said Andrea Dunn, chief development officer of MOMS Orange County, the region’s largest nonprofit dedicated solely to newborn and pregnancy health. “We’re so grateful to CAPOC and Disney VoluntEARS for making today’s event happen.”

“You feel like you’re really helping people, some who never thought they would have needed help before,” said Lisa Whaley, senior promotions manager. Since the Disneyland Resort theme parks closed last March, Lisa has been volunteering at local food banks on her own time, and the drive-thru diaper distribution was her first event with Disney VoluntEARS in almost a year. “It feels fantastic to see everyone feeling like they can give back to this community in a new, safe way. It’s good to be back with our teammates from across the company, together for one common goal.”

The Disneyland Resort and our Disney VoluntEARS have proudly supported CAPOC, as well as Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County for decades. Last week, the Disneyland Resort donated 30 pallets of food—items like soups, meat and pantry items from across the resort, prepped for donating by Disney chefs—to Second Harvest Food Bank and Caterina’s Club.

While our theme parks remain closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Disneyland Resort has continued to actively support our community by volunteering our time to support local students and families in need, donating half a million pounds of food to local food banks, and providing more than $5 million dollars of surplus merchandise to local nonprofits.