If you read what I wrote last year at this time, you know how much I loved Merry Menagerie at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. The puppets based on winter animals were adorable, and the puppeteers were all so skilled! It was easy to suspend disbelief and interact with the animals as if they were real. Sadly, Merry Menagerie just isn’t possible this year. That doesn’t mean that you should skip Disney’s Animal Kingdom this Christmas season. There is plenty there to put you into the holiday spirit.

I’ll start with the Character Cruises, because I love them so much. Some of the regular cruises are still around, but others have changed over to Festive Flotillas. These are the same characters (Mickey and friends, etc.) but they have a Christmas theme. The characters are wearing winter garb, the floats are decorated, and there’s seasonal music. Even the Discovery Island Drummers are playing Christmas songs! There is one new cruise, added for the holidays. Santa seems to be having a jolly old time, and he interacts with the people along the route.

One thing that I didn’t realize until I went to Disney’s Animal Kingdom during a storm, there is “a light rain plan” (for lack of a better name) for the Character Cruises. If it’s raining but there’s no lightning and it isn’t coming down too hard, the cruises might still take place. Some of the boats have a covered area, and one character can stand under that and stay dry. If it’s raining, you won’t see all the characters, it looks like it will only be one on a vessel. At least that’s what happened when I was there and it was drizzling.

Decorations are an important part of making it feel like Christmas, and you’ll find plenty at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. There are touches in all of the lands, but most of the decorations can be found in Discovery Island. The other new addition from last year has returned, the luminaries on the buildings in the front of the park. These are white animal-shaped “bags” (for lack of a better description) that have lights inside. They are classy and adorable at the same time. The luminaries aren’t the only decorations that you’ll find at Discovery Island, the whole front of the park feels like it could be a Christmas card.

Tree of Life Awakenings – Holiday Edition has returned for 2020. There is one catch that you’ll need to keep in mind. Tree of Life Awakenings do not start until it gets dark, and there are some days when Disney’s Animal Kingdom closes at 5:00. It will not be dark by that time.

The main Christmas tree at Disney’s Animal Kingdom is found outside of the park’s entrance. It’s a great picture spot. Make sure you take a look at the tree instead of just a quick glance while passing by. You’re sure to find many of your favorite animal characters, and there are some fun Hidden Mickeys. Since the crowds aren’t as large as during a normal holiday season, you might have a chance to study it a bit.

I miss Merry Menagerie, but I’m still grateful for what Disney’s Animal Kingdom is offering this holiday season. We can stay safe, and still get into the holiday spirit! The luminaries are beautiful, the Festive Flotillas are fun, and there are plenty of great picture spots. Disney’s Animal Kingdom is ready for the holidays!