I told you a few days ago that it looked like Disney was about to increase capacity on Rise of the Resistance, while still keeping everyone safe. My daughter and I rode on November 4, and the measures I noticed a week earlier were being used. Increased capacity in this case is a good thing, it means that more people are able to ride.
We were in Boarding Group #17. We were called at 11:09, which already was an improvement. They were going through the groups pretty quickly!
Part of the queue was outdoors, which made me think that we would end up being stuck in a long line. That didn’t happen. From the time we had our MagicBands scanned to the time when we were in the room with BB-8 and the Rey hologram, only 12 and a half minutes had passed. I was surprised by how quickly the line had moved.

With the addition of plexiglass in the shuttle, more groups were able to ride inside. It still wasn’t crowded. The placement of some of the spots to stand was a bit weird, not everyone could see out the windows, but you could still see what is happening on the monitors.
One thing that I wondered the other day was how social distancing would be handled in the cell. There were four colored circles on the ground. They matched the color that you were told earlier by the First Order Officer, plus the color of your ride vehicle. The circles were spread out so that there was plenty of room for all.

Both rows of the ride vehicles are being used now. There is plexiglass between the rows. They aren’t filling in every seat, unless you’re with a large enough group. Our vehicle had two groups of two. We were in the second row. At first the reflections off of the plexiglass were a little bit distracting, but honestly, the ride is so amazing that I soon forgot about it.

Even though we rode fairly early, I kept checking the Boarding Groups on the My Disney Experience App throughout the day. They did move through them quickly. The last time that I checked, over 100 groups had ridden. I don’t know how many people are given each number, but a few weeks ago they were barely making it into the 60s, so this is a good sign.
Do I look forward to the day when the plexiglass will be removed? Absolutely. That said, if having plexiglass there is going to allow for more people to ride, then I think it’s a great idea. I’ve heard a few people complain about there being so much plexiglass right now, but it’s a useful tool to keep people apart. One thing I don’t mind in the least is the fact that people aren’t being crowded together right now. A decent number of people are getting to ride, and we aren’t all standing on top of each other. That’s a change that I hope that they keep.