One American entertainment staple that has fallen victim to the Coronavirus is seeing movies. Movie theaters have changed over the years, but they have still been a constant. Some people like to see movies the first day or two that they come out, while others wait a couple of weeks so that the reviews will be in and the crowds more manageable.
Disney Pixar’s Onward has received rave reviews from critics and movie goers alike. The problem is that it was released on March 6, and the world started to shut down just a few days later. Many people, myself included, have not had a chance to see it yet. Starting today, you now have your chance, and you don’t have to risk going out to find a movie theater that is still open (but is practicing social distancing).
Onward will be released digitally tonight. Starting at 8:00pm Eastern, you can download it and watch it from the comfort of your own home! If you want to wait a little bit longer, it will be added to Disney+ on April 3. I hope you bought a box of tissues when you stocked up on toilet paper, because I have heard that this one is a tear jerker.
Disney is trying to keep people entertained while at home. Frozen II was added to Disney+ several months before expected, and it is already on the streaming platform. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is not yet on Disney+, but it was released digitally a few days earlier than originally announced. That one could take a while to join the lineup on Disney+. Disney knows that most Star Wars fans are willing to pay for it.
This brings me back to a point that I made a few days ago. Disney wants to keep us entertained through everything that is going on. If there is something that you would like to see on Disney+ that is not currently available, let them know. You can find the instructions for how to do that here.
I’ll probably wait for April 3 until we watch Onward (I’m cheap and broke), but I am looking forward to it. I have heard so many good things about this movie, it’s nice that it’s being made available. I hope that we don’t run out of popcorn…