Wacky December Weather

It may not be as bad as Arendelle, but Florida CAN get cold! 

We’ve made it through another Hurricane Season in Central Florida, and that means that it’s time for the crazy weather. During the summer months it’s usually a copy and paste forecast; hot and humid, with a good chance of afternoon storms. The same cannot be said for the next couple of months. As I write this, on the ten day forecast the high temperatures range from 85 to 60. The lows could go all the way down to 42! I know that’s probably still warmer than where you live, but many people don’t realize that it can and does get that cold in Florida.

I remember the first cold snap after we moved to the Sunshine State. I stopped by the local Target, and they were out of coats. Totally out! Gloves, hats, and scarves were nowhere to be seen as well. At the theme parks, the warmer items such as sweatshirts and jackets had been moved to prominent positions in the stores so that cold guests would be able to easily find them. Blankets were another hot item (pun intended), many kids in strollers were wrapped up in brand new Disney blankets. I don’t know about you, but I want to spend my souvenir money on something that I truly want, not something that I have at home and should have brought with me.

There is an easy way to avoid this problem. Check the forecast right before you leave home, and pack accordingly. Every year I see people in t-shirts and shorts, shivering and complaining because they didn’t know that they needed to pack something warmer. Even when the temperatures are warm during the day, the nights can be chilly. I know that it can be a pain to carry a coat on a plane, but it’s more of a pain to spend your vacation miserable because you’re cold.