There’s a rumor that I would like to address. I’ve heard several people lately say that “they heard somewhere” that more Muppet themed attractions are coming to Disney’s Hollywood Studios. While this is certainly possible, I doubt that it is going to happen, at least in the near future. Here’s why.
Let’s start with Muppet Courtyard. That used to be the name of the area where Muppet*Vision 3D and PizzeRizzo are located. After Streets of America closed, they had to call it something, and Muppet Courtyard was the official name. (It was also sometimes called Muppets Courtyard, and this was on official Disney items such as maps. There was no continuity.) It only stayed Muppet Courtyard for a short amount of time, then once BaseLine Tap House opened it was renamed Grand Avenue. Disney does not do things spur of the moment. If more Muppet-themed attractions were going to open, I doubt that the name would have changed.
Speaking of Muppet*Vision 3D, that’s another reason why I doubt that there is going to be a change. Don’t get me wrong, I love the film, but it’s pretty dated. There have been no plans leaked about updating it, and it does not make sense to get rid of it with all of the other changes taking place in the park. With Galaxy’s Edge opening on August 29, Disney’s Hollywood Studios needs a few attractions that are known for short wait times. Muppet*Vision 3D is the perfect hot-day, tired-of-lines attraction.
You might think that PizzeRizzo is a sign that more Muppets could be on their way to the park. After all, the entire restaurant was re-themed a couple of years ago. The problem with PizzeRizzo is that it is hardly ever open! The eatery is seasonal at best, and even if you do happen to catch it operational the hours are limited. I do think that there is a chance that it will be open more once Galaxy’s Edge opens. It’s a huge building with plenty of seating, and guests will walk by it in order to get to the new land. Then again, they may decide to change the theme yet again. It’s too bad that it isn’t open more often, because the atmosphere is great.
So those are my thoughts on why more Muppet related attractions are probably not soon coming to Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Remember, all opinions are my own, this is pure speculation on my part. I’ve been wrong before (I was waaaaay off on the Galaxy’s Edge opening date!) and I would not mind if Disney decided to prove me wrong again. I have a soft spot in my heart for the Muppets.