It is not hard to figure out that I love character pictures. I’ve added several on the Disney Over 50 Facebook and Instagram accounts, and my personal pages are filled with them. On my recent cruise that was hosted by Disney I was thrilled with how many characters we were able to meet.

The character greetings started before we boarded the Disney Magic. While we were waiting for our group to be called there was a greeting off to the side. When we got in line it was with Captain Mickey, but by the time we were at the front of the line it was Sailor Goofy. We didn’t care, it was the perfect way to get us even more excited about what we were about to experience.

There were plenty of character greetings during the cruise. You can find who is greeting and where in the Navigator. (The Navigator is your guide to the day. The Navigator app works without buying a WiFi package, and there is a paper version that you will receive in your room each evening.) What is nice about the classic characters is that they will appear in several different costumes. That’s a big part of the fun.

There are some character greetings that require a special ticket. These include the princesses, Anna and Elsa, and if there is a special event when you’re on board. We cruised during Marvel Day at Sea, and there were two meet and greets for that where tickets were required. The tickets are free, but you do need them. You can assure your spot on your cruise reservation.

The characters for the special events were some of my favorites. For Marvel Day at Sea there were wandering characters, and the interaction with them was fantastic. Our other special event was Pirates In the Caribbean Night. Pirate Mickey might be one of my favorite costumes that I’ve seen him in.

Don’t worry that only kids will get in line for character pictures on a Disney cruise. There are plenty of adults without kids in line. I was there with my husband and our adult daughter, and we never felt out of place.

You can purchase the pictures individually, or in a package if you’d like. You can also use your own phone or camera. The pictures are available only during your cruise. Since we knew we weren’t going to be buying them, we never checked our pictures. I didn’t want to see some that were perfect and end up paying for them, especially since I was happy with the pictures that we had taken on my phone.

Most of the character interaction was quick, but there is nothing wrong with that. I still felt like I had enough attention from each character, and I always walked away with a smile on my face.

I know that some people don’t understand adults wanting pictures with characters, but who wants to be an adult when surrounded by all things Disney? Characters were a fun added element to our vacation, and I for one am glad that there were so many opportunities for pictures with them.