The Perfect Way to Ring in 2019!

Magic Kingdom fireworks without the crowd!

If you’re planning on spending New Year’s Eve at home, Disney has the perfect way for you to ring in the New Year. Disney Parks Blog will carry a live stream of the Magic Kingdom’s Fantasy in the Sky fireworks. These fireworks are so special that they take place only on December 30 and 31, and on the last day of the year there is a special celebratory ending.

The show should start around 11:45 that evening. I will try to have the link available on the Disney Over 50 Facebook page, but if I don’t I’ll post where to find it.

If you want to know the second that 2019 starts, you might want to use another countdown as well. From past experience, the live stream is delayed a second or two. Just something to keep in mind.

If you miss the show, Disney will usually keep the video up for about a month, so you can watch it later. 2019 is going to be a great year…